Cursillo Miami
A Lay Movement Of The Roman Catholic Church
God loves you and so do we…
Welcome to the Website of the Catholic Cursillo Movement in the Archdiocese of Miami, Florida, USA.
We greet you as friends on the mutual journey home to the Father God using the words of our patron saint, the Apostle Paul, to the Romans, “To all God’s beloved…who are called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” Rom. 1:7.

Cursillo Weekends Set for March 2024
Weekends Set
ULTREYA! – The Last Wednesday of Each Month – Now in Person or By Zoom
We have been holding these Ultreya! meetings via Zoom so you can join us from the comfort of your own home.... We are now also holding them in person at the Cursillo House for those who can attend....
What is the
The Cursillo weekend format consists of a series of spiritual talks and discussions, blending seriousness and lightheartedness. The weekend is a personal, lively and informative event with talks, discussions, singing, worship and fellowship. The talks are conducted by clergy and lay people. Although Cursillos are lay-directed and controlled, the clergy assist in this effort most…
Proclaiming the Gospel
Fulfilling our Baptismal responsibility
Leavening the environments
Living what is fundamental for being a Christian

To explain Cursillo to someone who has never experienced Cursillo is, at best, difficult.

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What is Cursillo?
Frequently Asked Questions
Why was the Cursillo Movement founded?
The starting point of the entire Movement was the profound perception of a reality. That reality, as the founders saw it, was as simple as this: They saw a world with its back turned on God, Christ, and the Church. They had a deep-seated conviction that life had ceased to be Christian. They felt that this was because the influence Christianity had, on real life, was just about nonexistent – even in so-called Catholic circles.
Thus the founders saw that the whole world needed to be reconstructed, down to it’s very foundations. It needed to be transformed from savage into human, and from human into divine. The goal was clear:
to re-Christianize society which had ceased to be Christian. (F.I. # 17-18)
How does the Cursillo Movement define itself?
The Fundamental Ideas of the Cursillo Movement book defines the Movement as
“A movement of the Church which by means of its own method makes it possible for people to live what is fundamental for being a Christian, and to live it together; it helps people discover and fulfill their personal vocations, and it promotes the creation of core groups of Christians who leaven their environments with the Gospel.”
(F.I. #111)
Who is the person responsible for the Cursillo Movement in a Diocese?
The basic book of the Cursillo Movement, Fundamental Ideas states that direction of the Cursillo Movement in the Diocese is a shared one between the Bishop and the Diocesan Secretariat. While anything Catholic in a Diocese is the responsibility of the local Bishop, most Bishops are not that familiar with the workings of a movement and usually appoint a responsible party for it. In this case, the Diocesan Secretariat fulfills that function. (F.I. # 576)
The Secretariat should be organized or structured according to the needs, possibilities, and concrete circumstances of the given time and place. The number of its members and their responsibilities will be determined by the functions demanded for the fulfillment of its mission.
“Members of the Secretariat should come from the School of Leaders where they have already demonstrated (through their service to the Movement) their ability, competence, spirit of service, use and understanding of the method, humility, wisdom, and sanctity.”
(L.M. pg.41)
“The Secretariat is made up of Priests, Deacons, Vowed Religious and lay people. It is the responsibility of the Priests, Deacons, and Vowed Religious to provide spiritual direction and counseling, instruction on doctrinal matters, and guidance with respect to problems of conscience; the lay members are in charge of the organizational, methodological, and executive domains.” (F.I. # 588)
What is the Cursillo Movement’s role in Evangelization?
Pope Paul VI said in his Apostolic Exhortation on Evangelization in the Modern World that the Church’s essential mission is to evangelize (EN 14), which means bringing the Good News into all levels of humanity and society so as to transform them according to the Gospel(EN 18).
The Cursillo Movement emphasizes the role of the lay person in being an evangelizer in the family, neighborhood, place of work and with friends and acquaintances. Thus, the apostolic action of each cursillista is a concrete contribution to the work of evangelization.
What environments should the Cursillo Movement be concerned about?
is supposed to study their local environments and determine which ones
should be evangelized first. The National Secretariat asked all Diocesan
Secretariats to be aware of certain environments. This is reflected in
the following released statement: “Each Diocesan Movement is asked to study
the environments it finds itself immersed in and to establish a Pastoral
Plan for their transformation by means of the Cursillo method. All Diocesan
Movements, particularly those in the big cities, are asked to pay particular
attention to the following environments and to take concrete steps for
their Christianization:
-the advertising field
-the academic community
-the communication field
-the medical profession
-the political field.
The Cursillo Movement as a whole must make a concerted
effort to radically change the present environment of our country so that
it may be more Christian in its life and customs. The environments which
have a greater influence on the other environments and, consequently form
the lifestyle of our people, must have a priority in our apostolic planning.
Diocesan Secretariats are urged to begin selecting the key people in the
aforementioned environments and other important environments in accordance
with our Precursillo method. Plans should be made to link them together
as lay apostles, by means of friendship groups, environmental groups and
Ultreyas following their 3-day Cursillo. Using this method we are able
to transform this world, systematically, for Christ. This enables us to
fulfill our purpose within the pastoral work of the Church.”
(L.M. pg. 304/305)
About Us
To explain Cursillo to someone who has never experienced Cursillo is, at best, difficult. Often, for those who have experienced Cursillo it is still somewhat mystifying.
The reason behind the mystery is God. No one can fully explain how God touches each person in His special/unique way throughout the various elements of the Cursillo Movement. This booklet cannot explain the mystery of God. The booklet will, however, attempt to explain the human aspect behind the Cursillo Movement. Throughout this booklet you will find references to concepts that at one time seemed foreign to Catholics.
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The Cursillo Movement Pastoral Plan for the Archdiocese of Miami
VISION STATEMENT The Cursillo is a worldwide movement of the Roman Catholic Church. The founding focus of the Cursillo is to proclaim the best news, the best reality, that God loves you, using the best means, friendship, in order to give this-best-of-news to each person we encounter on our earthly journey back to the Father…